
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Towards a grand human past

To understand the present and prepare the future, is must understand the past.

Well, what past? My past?

But to understand my particular past, I need to know the past of my parents, and then to my grandparents.

Actually, I have to understand the past of the places where I lived, and the places where my ancestors lived. Therefore, I need to know the past of my state and my country.

But to understand the past of my country, I need to understand the past of the world.

But, how deep in the past the world need I to go?

Actually, I need to go really deep. The human species is ancient. We bring habits which are not new. Our present was designed in the past. Our future is partially traced many thousands years, millions years back.

I can not change this path, but I can try to understand it. This at least allows me to navigate on the ocean of time without the feeling of being lost.

So I'm not only Rosenvaldo, son of somebody and born in a such place. I am not only a Paulist, or just a Brazilian. I'm not just a Western. I am from the last batch of humans, these great plagues that defy the cosmos with his stubbornness, curiosity and wit.

We are, in fact, some kind of monsters very curious to know.

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