
Sunday, August 29, 2010

To get to tomorrow

This was the fourth post in blog Defend Yourself!:

April 07, 2008

To get to tomorrow

To get to tomorrow, we need to survive today. This statement may seem trite, trivial and innocent, but is not.

Do you agree with her ​​with all the force of his reason?

If you have small children, should dream of one day seeing them big, healthy and happy. You do your best to everything goes well with your job, to do not miss the income for savings to college for children, but leaves open a bottle of insecticide, a bare wire, a window cracked. What child has never had a domestic accident in life?

The statistics are frightening. Children need security. We adults often think more in the future than at present. We neglect small things. We put in risk our future and our family when we focus too much on material, financial and social  security but forget physical security.

Accidents at home are very common things.

Should not be.

We should have a minimum of security in our homes on a day-to-day.

Of course we care for the health of children. But accidents happen.

The excess of accidents of all kinds, with innocent children, healthy adults and frail elderly shows that people are not prepared to protect each other, even when there is not any threat from outside our homes.

We were not raised to be wary. Our culture does not teach us to keep us alert to possible risks to our physical integrity.

And if we think about it, we see that in a situation of physical insecurity, not worth much any social, economic, financial and material security available. Break an arm and all the resources of the world can only remedy the consequences of injury. It is true that you could avoid having a broken arm, and without investing a single penny of your financial security. The prevention often costs nothing, because, as we shall see, it depends much more on our way of thinking than the use of physical mechanisms to protect us.

A health plan can do nothing to prevent a child, a bottle of alcohol and a match to end badly.

So you need to assimilate this truth: your future plans, whatever they are, depend on your effort to remain physically intact today. You can find a way to repair that broken window that threatens to fall on the bed of someone at any moment? Imagine a loved child with a gash caused by a shard of glass from a window cracked.

You may not get to tomorrow if you are not physically secure today. To get to tomorrow, you and your loved ones must be physically intact.
Think of your physical body as something valuable that must be constantly protected by a dome, a force field. Everything that surrounds you can reach it, unless this force field is turned on.

This force field is his alert mind, which scans constantly and tirelessly, every day, every day, the possible threats to their physical integrity, whether real or potential. This mentally alert is trained to see future risks where now there is only a remote possibility of problems, but you know it, the force field, your defensive shield, flashes a red light always senses something wrong.

This is the time to act.

This is the time to take action. When the red light comes on, it's time to make provision against damage that does not interest us.

A flashing light should always have this meaning: a threat that can endanger an entire wonderful future ahead. Not worth putting plans and dreams for the coming decades at risk just because you do not have the time or courage to act now.

But if you want, just relax. Bad things do not happen to you. Only with others.

Written by Rosenvaldo Simoes de Souza at 12h32

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