
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The circle of reciprocal protection

This was the ninth post in blog Defend Yourself!:
April 23, 2008

The circle of reciprocal protection

It would be great if we could limit to care of our own personal safety. This, by itself, is not an easy task.

But in real life, we must care for more people besides us. In addition to we keeping us alert against all kinds of dangers, we have to look for others yet.

We can deny this truth?

We can.

But it is a right attitude? Every man for himself and God to look for others?

No. We simply can not.

We live in the community and the vigilance task is a task in two-way. We care for us and for people around us and people around us care for them and for us, even we do not realize this kind of surveillance.

Selfishness in safety is a serious problem and must be fought with great severity and diligence. It is a cultural heritage that must be unlearned.

It is not just a matter of caring for the weak. It is not just a matter of protecting women, seniors and children. The concept of circle of protection goes beyond that.

We look for us, but when we are on alert, we see potential risk involving other people. These other people in general are people from our midst. They are relatives, neighbors, co-workers. But without realizing it, we do more than simply protecting known people.

Someone alert can protect a unknown person and may in turn be protected by someone who does not know him.

The concept of circle of reciprocal protection involves a maturing of our selfish and individualistic personality. We have a natural tendency to think that we can not change the world and therefore do not act when we could act.

Overcome the barrier of individualism in security is a fundamental step in improving our quality of life and the people around us. If well implemented, the concept can even improve the quality of security of people who we will never cross again in the remains of our lives.

Who does not know at least one story of an anonymous hero who appears from nowhere and tells us to take care, stay alert, advising us to avoid a certain place, or we take some action, or to protect ourselves to some risk ?

We can be this anonymous hero for someone who, for a moment of distraction, can be in danger.

We choose, however, cowardice and failure, selfishness and laziness.

What do you choose?

Written by Rosenvaldo Simoes de Souza at 20h29

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