
Monday, August 16, 2010

Metamorphose: the facts

My first site was Metamorphose. I created him in a common text editor, in Notepad, using my nails, using basic commands of HTML language. I learned a few things and I stop in it.

One of the little things I learned was that a website in pure html is rapidly exhausting if you do not undergo changes from time to time. But, then, to change a whole lot of html tags was a very complicated thing. Then I thought of a way to create sites that were simple to upgrade, because there were not even the easy technology of blogging. So I ended up giving a CSS researched and found reasonable, but insufficient. Then I thought about programming sites, something like javascripts and finally found Zope, but it was enough. All very complicated and consuming much time. One day I will talk this arid and technical but fascinating, matter about programming to internet sites.

I created few content for this site. It was something kind of adolescent, but I put a hit counter on it and for almost eight years I followed their evolution. The thing was simply too slow and random, that is, the visits were pure chance. I never made any disclosure at all.

I studied business administration and always liked the subject, as always been interested in marketing. But everything I knew about business and marketing was about real companies, before the Internet era. Few things of marketing experience real work well in practice when applied in the virtual world.

But for me one thing is certain: it is not easy to make a bad site or blog moving forward. This is a golden rule and it is very difficult to follow, because very few people actually have something useful or interesting to say to the world. Thus, few sites can a significant number of  siteviews, while to do a lot of online or offline advertising. People simply dismiss bad blogs just as discard bad products and services in real life, either because they are no good or because they somehow do not matter.
So what Metamorphose proposed to offer?

He proposed to provide humor.

Now, you immediately say: how can such a boring guy named Rosenvaldo to write or produce humor? He must be kidding ...

But still, I posted my hundreds, thousands jokes, and they were in the air for eight years, and seen by tens, hundreds people during that time.

Look: Metamorphose aired on August 19, 2001 and was last updated on April 06, 2008. In fact, it was almost entirely done in 2001 and only had a few links embedded in 2008. At the moment I write these words, Metamorphose counter brand 1002 visits, and a good part of these visits is mine, because the counter does not know who enters and tells the whole visit, including me, as a new visit. Thus, reinforcing what I said in previous post: I am my most fan and assiduous reader.
My stats tracking a bad site as Metamorphose suggest that he received on average one visit every two days. That's too few, because in fact it does not mean that a visit would represent a real person reading the contents of the site. A person can simply click on a link by chance and fall into it, and leave immediately, without reading anything, cursing the loss of time.

My deleted blogs were no better. Alternative Theories and Clorofiles were never released, and ended with 76 and 13 visits in counters, respectively. Negligible numbers, although they could suggest good content. If a visitor on the other hand, felt attracted by the subject, I disappointed him, because I could not keep blogs with new posts.

Thus, it is another lesson: even a cool content needs to be updated and released. People can not be coming to your blog every day hoping that you have published something new. They get tired and move on.

But I learned some cool tricks in html, so that it was not a lost experience. Now, what are these tricks, is for another post. The fact is that Metamorphose was unsuccessful.

That was his opening logo (horrible, by the way):

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