This is an important phrase. It is important because it makes me think about things I actually did. It forces me to make an inventory of my accomplishments and achievements. And perhaps the only way to do this inventory is just telling my personal story. Otherwise, how will I know what I did in my life? How will people know who I am or I was?
But first, why this compulsion to be remembered?
But this is not where the problem lies. The problem is that I'm forty years old and with a strong sense of having lived a lot and have done nothing. So it is not to tell people that I report my deeds, but to give myself a sense of accomplishment, not to have lived my life in vain.
If so, what should I say to myself? But, am I the best and most impartial judge?
I do not know. We have to be cold this time.
First, and now goes all the scientific theory of history to support me, I must contextue me, that is, I enter the in world and in time.
Who am I?
This is perhaps a fair question, but is not the most important. I must first ask why I came to be who I am, and then what I can be.
So why am I who I am? And then, what can I become?
Who I am: one of seven billion people living life without a defined direction. So why come to find myself in this situation?
After: I can be anything I want? If yes, what should I be to do something to be remembered?
What deserves to be remembered? I can make that something that deserves to be remembered?
It is the riskiest of the bets: bet a life on something worth doing do be made. Look: is not doing something that is worth remembering, because I do not must be remembered. I just need to satisfy my concept of duty, of a life that was worth living.
So what I think that should be worth a life?
Write a blog about amenities? Not at all.
Writing about my dull life? Not at all.
Write falsely about my dull life in order to convince myself that my life was, is and will be the most worthy of all lives, because it could not be different from what was, is and will be, and so convince myself that fulfill my mission on Earth?
This is not the worst ideas, but by no means the easiest, because I am a hard man to be convinced that a lie can be made true.
So, this is a challenge: to prove to myself that my life was, is and will be worth living.
Thinking well, why should not be?
After all, what I failed to do that would make me unworthy of life?
Being born under the conditions of my birth, I do the best I can.
Or not?
This is the moment of truth.