I told in one of my previous posts I saw a book about people who died young. And I wove my respects to them.
Now it's time for another tribute. Now is time to salute Emy Winehouse.
Yes, Amy, you were young, too young to die.
Sometimes it may seem opportunistic, but no. I actually was already a big fan of Amy before she died.
I love rock, but also like a lot of other styles. I like music, like good music, without distinctions and labels.
Enjoy Amy means before to enjoy all a vast musical legacy left by countless masters.
I always heard the divas of jazz. Who never heard? But, music, like sports and advices, is to be experienced. A sport is to be practiced, a council is to be lived and a song is to be heard.
I heard a lot of divas of jazz. I say it is not easy, because we are not accustomed to strive to establish our ears and learn to enjoy something that is excellent, but requires skill and effort.
Try to listen, for example, Aretha Franklin. It is not easy. It's harsh, is smooth, it is bitter. But it is perfect.
Thus, we are striving and learning to enjoy what the world has as best to offer. So when we are accustomed with divas' sing, instinctively know when we hear one.
Amy was so.
Forget the looks, forget the hype, forget the drugs and forget about awards and video clips. Concentrate only on the sound.
My wife and I spent long hours traveling across the country listening to this all, but learn to feel a particular fondness for Amy Winehouse. Your music helped make it less harsh our long and tiring hours on the road. I personally, when alone, preferring to put the song "Love is a losing game" to repeat endlessly. His voice was softer hard times and the heat more bearable. I never tired of hearing it, and as for Amy, I knew she was still alive, but dangerously pushing her luck.
I know, we know, we all know that we expected more from her. We expected, optimistic, that all would be ended well and that we would have her for many years. But we underestimated the fragility of life, human frailty. We have seen in real time the sinking of a young woman as we have seen a reallity show, believing that everything was nothing more than another marketing ploy, a balcony over the media, another factoid to keep her in evidence in the spotlight. But we deceive ourselves.
We lost Amy and now is late for any consideration. We do not end up with drugs, we will not save the world and will always remember her untimely death as more a matter of disappointment with this way of life jerk in which people live today, based on a consumerist, superficial and destructive culture. Disappointment, without further consideration, because, of course, nothing will change.
So it remains salute her, recognizing that she lived as a true diva and certain that their songs will be with us for a very long time, because they shine as works of excellence. It certainly will be with me for long time, I have no doubt.
Amy, I salute you.
Now, you are eternal.