
Monday, March 24, 2008

The eternal backup

I lost some time today doing a backup of this blog.

Anyone who has lost something that liked and that was seemingly secure in HD from any computer or on any server on the Internet?

One day you wake up and your HD is gone. Where are your loved files?

No, there is no insurance against lost drives. It is a drama that can make a person crazy.

But the data that are on the internet? And our dear blogging? And if one day I go with my browser to the page of my  loved blog and he no longer exists? Where are my  perfect writings? The provider will regret and apologize and give discounts, but will not make born again he inspired and sublime text. If I do not do a backup of these beautiful texts, and do it fast, I run the risk of falling into oblivion after a bug or virus. Fire, bugs, viruses and neglect companies can destroy the work of years of innocent people. So do not be afraid to make a backup of everything you produce, whether in HD, or in the blogs of life. One day they might be gone.

But, and after?

One day, when I die, everything I wrote would be deleted. The things I write are important only to me.

I can get a crowd of fans, as a famous poet or old singerman, but nobody will care to put my writings available to the world. Everything will be forgotten.

And my papers, my documents, my tax bills, my financial bills, my paid bills, my property tax? What will become of my paper files?


Nothing will be done them. Someone with a bit of bad humor will put everything in the nearest garbage can.

Why think that?

Ah! It's just an addiction in strategic thinking. It's just habit of thinking in long term. That's it.

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