
Monday, July 16, 2007

Blog and movies

Lately, I've been writing about dreams. But not only: I've been watching DVD movies like never before. I also have heard a lot of cool music. My blog, "Amazing Dreams", goes well. I put some pictures that give some guidance to the reader, and I think dreams are legal.
Movies are many, but even those who are bad, end up being good.
It has one, "The Hills Have Eyes," which is pretty trash, with much fake blood and a lot of insanity and sadism, but has some very interesting scenes. Thinking that the United States did 331 open-air nuclear tests from 1945 to 1962, an average of 20 tests per year, it is still scary. The film is a critique of this, and the scenes of the New Mexico desert, with its old houses with dolls, its craters and burned their cars is frighteningly nostalgic. I think the 50s were the most idiotic years of the century. Sure, the 20s were very silly, and the years before 1914 were also naively romantic and Victorian. But the rise of the American way of life and their trinkets and their boasting was tragic. Scenes from the beginning of the film is staggering, although the rest is hurting bad.
Finally, I'm listening to classical soundtracks. Very good, if I think I bought a box of six CDs with only songs that were classic movie themes for a pittance. But who would buy this kind of music? Further, who would buy any kind of music today? Even I, who not like much gadgets, won a MP4. It is inevitable ...

Finally, there is my computer, which does not help. Migrate data from an old Pentium 266 to a new PC is not easy. At this time, I think the MP4 will be more than useful.

And there remains the question of the lottery. What question is this?

Well, lets to the next post ...


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