
Thursday, August 19, 2004

Ecological Thought

In the first text posted on this blog, I mentioned an agenda that I have used since 1999. It is a paper agenda, plain, with a picture of small fishes printed in a hardcover common leaves tied in a spiral of wire. I bought it to write foolishness. It's called Ecoagenda 1999.
Well, early, at the beginning, on the first pages, there is a space to write down or we plan our 'ecological attitudes in 1999.' Once I started using this agenda, I noted five items, five future attitudes, five small projects designed so immediately. Nothing too elaborate. Just simple things that any mortal can do without much effort.
After almost six years, I look at the short list and come to several conclusions rather curious.

However, the first conclusion I reach reading the short list of five promises is that of the five attitudes that planned to adopt in 1999, I really ended up coming to adopt over that time virtually all of them. If not all are being used in its most perfect form, at least in part they are. These small actions taken mean that people change, albeit slowly and unevenly, over the years. I've changed! My first item on the list was 'stop smoking'. And I stopped it, five years ago. I know that there is little relationship between ecology and smoking, but the fact is that I concretized what I set out to accomplish. Have changed provokes a sense of hope in the future, since our present today in part is better than our past, in what we had for him undesirable. If in the past we change for the better, we can continue changing and hope a little better future than today in what we actually do not want.

But not only. I came to interesting conclusions about the process of ecological awareness, or ecological marketing, as well as irreversibly the ecological mentality has penetrated the minds of all people, and how this mentality is partly correct, but partly not. However, these conclusions are too long to discuss in a simple blog. In so far as to put them in writing, and I will put them, I'll be releasing them on my personal website http://rosenvaldo.simoes.sites.uol.com.br/ (for now, only in Portuguese).
For now again, we get the conclusion, simple, but true, that we can change, and we change. Only the time scale of our personal changes is that it is too slow to realize that and we can congratulate ourselves for them.
greetings to our changes for the better!

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